Sonia Lee

Sonia Lee (born April 12, 1960) is a Korean-born entrepreneur best known as the co-founder and president of Fullpower Technologies.[1] Sonia Lee also co-founded LightSurf and Starfish Software.

She is married to Philippe Kahn, CEO of Fullpower Technologies. They have one child. Together, they run an environmental charity, the Lee-Kahn Foundation. She is known for her passion for landscape and still life paintings.


Sonia Lee 為美女之一,外號「SO齡呀姊姊」,心智年齡大約為13歲(比實際年齡短少10年(?)以上)。出生於香港,號稱香港第一名模,據傳是只食KFC,不過間中是否有食M記就不得而知了。 SO齡呀姊姊姊姊靠著超強的曝光率,成為高達八成許多人心目中的性幻想女神,也是香港許多港女共同的偶像。 但其他人只覺得她的外貌並沒有什麼特別的地方,甚至覺得那只是化妝造成的幻覺。雖然是這樣,但靠著目前超強的知名度,成了傳聞中的爛GAG一姊。